9 Eye-Opening Tips To Lose Weight After 40 Simplified

May 01, 2024



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Why is it so hard to lose weight for women after 40? 


There's a ton of factors contributing to this frustration, and it's important to understand what’s going on. The main culprits behind the challenge of weight loss after 40 come from various sources. 

Firstly, our metabolism undergoes changes as we age, impacting how efficiently our bodies burn calories. Additionally, hormonal fluctuations, including the decline in hormones like estrogen, directly influence our metabolism and can lead to insulin resistance and fat accumulation. Lifestyle habits also play a significant role, with factors such as inadequate sleep, dehydration, and unmanaged stress all contributing to slower weight loss. 


Despite these challenges, it's important to remember that successful weight loss after 40 is achievable.



I hate to be a bearer of bad news,...

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5 Fat-Burning Foods Proven To Get You Results

Apr 10, 2024



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One of the most common frustrations I hear from my fellow Trim Healthy Mamas in midlife is the increase in fat around their waist.


Today, I want to share the top 5 foods you can use in your everyday routine that are simple and effective at burning fat and creating an optimal environment for a better, healthier, and faster metabolism. 

Understanding Fat Loss:

But first, let's debunk a common myth right off the bat: you can't spot-reduce belly fat with endless crunches or planks. 



We can target fat loss through smart food choices, exercise, and lifestyle tweaks.


Our goal? Turning our bodies into fat-burning powerhouses.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

First up on our fat-burning food list is apple cider vinegar (ACV). Packed with acetic acid, ACV supports digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. By incorporating ACV into your routine, you can potentially reduce belly fat and...

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Ultimate Guide to Muscle Building: Tips for Women Over 40

Apr 03, 2024



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I'm going to discuss the importance of building muscle as we age and its relationship to fat loss, overall metabolic health, and longevity.

I've been a personal trainer for over 30 years, and back in the day, there wasn't much emphasis on women and building muscle. There were guidelines, but it wasn't until I became certified as a menopause fitness specialist and discovered the newer science for women in midlife and beyond that I understood how important, if not the most important, things we can be doing.

Importance of Muscle Building

What I'm learning about muscle is that it is our longevity organ. When we start focusing on building muscle rather than losing weight, fat loss will happen.

Notice I'm not saying weight loss because we lose part muscle and part fat when we lose weight. Diets that are quick fixes or calorie deficit cause massive muscle loss touted as weight loss, and that, my friend, for women...

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From Perfectionism to Progress: Get Free from Weight Loss Pitfalls

Jan 17, 2024



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I want to talk about something that might raise an eyebrow or two – planning for failure. 


I can almost hear you saying, "Coach Kris, why on earth would I want to plan for failure? Isn't that counterproductive?"


Well, stick with me, and let's unpack why it's not just okay but crucial in our journey to wellness.


The Mindset Shift: Redefining Failure

Often, the fear of failure looms large when we start on a wellness journey. 


We question if we can truly show up for ourselves, especially when past attempts have left us feeling defeated. 


But what if we shifted our mindset and saw failure not as a dead-end but as a stepping stone? 


While talking to women in midlife, I often encounter the unspoken fear of failure. 


There is uncertainty if this time will be any different. 


Here's the thing – we need to...

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Simplifying Success: How to avoid Meal planning mistakes

Jan 10, 2024



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Ready to be bored to tears?

At least, I feel like you may be, but in the vein of staying real and showing you how to eat to lose weight in midlife….and keep it off.

Here’s a day in the life of my meals.


I am living proof that simple, boring systems do well to bring joy to your daily meals. Let’s explore the art of simplifying your meals so you are successful in midlife, lose extra weight, and boost your health to feel well. I’ll show you how to use practical strategies and keep meals simple yet incredibly satisfying.


The Power of Systems Over Goals

Picture this: a life where making healthy choices becomes second nature. It all starts with the realization that systems trump goals. Setting a goal is excellent, but without a system, reaching it can be a challenge. Years ago, I worked to build a habit of creating healthy yet easy meals for my family and myself. And I...

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Losing Weight in Midlife: Cracking the Code with Strategy Calls

Dec 27, 2023



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Today, we embark on a journey close to my heart—strategy calls in the Feminine Freedom program. It's more than just coaching; it's about building a personalized roadmap for midlife weight loss. Join me in unraveling the magic behind these transformative sessions.


Unveiling the Strategy Call

What is a Strategy Call?

In weight loss, a strategy call is your compass, guiding you through the challenges of midlife changes. Beyond a coaching session, it's a personalized roadmap—a tool for understanding the unique needs of every individual. Let's dive into the heart of this process.


Getting Personal

The Face-to-Face Connection

Picture this: a face-to-face connection, even in the virtual realm. The joy of interacting directly with Feminine Freedom participants is unparalleled. It's about more than just words; it's about understanding the intricacies of your unique situations creating a...

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Easy Hacks for Midlife Weight Loss Success

Dec 13, 2023



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Let’s dive into something we know too well - how to deal with those extra pounds in our midlife journey.

Today, we're walking through all the Trim Healthy Mama plan components and how to follow it when you are in menopause. So, grab a cozy spot, and let's chat about how to make those midlife pounds say their goodbyes.


Making Friends with Trim Healthy

The Big Idea: Food Tag Teams for Weight Loss Magic

Trim Healthy is a great place to start at this stage in the game because it’s all about regulating certain fat-burning hormones so you can jump-start your weight loss. 

Following the Trim Healthy plan gives your body the micro and macronutrients needed to support your hormones, brain, and blood sugar. 

So let’s dive into Trim Healthy as your whole food approach to eating that eliminates sugar and white flour. This plan utilizes separating fats and healthy carbs, not in a low-...

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How to ditch the excuses and stay consistent on the Trim Healthy Mama plan

May 17, 2023

Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/ 

Apple Podcast - Spotify


I'm not going to change.


I'm not going to change the commitment I've made to myself.


That's exactly what Coach Kelly Rackley told herself all year long.


With one quick, impulsive decision, she committed to eating 100% on the Trim Healthy Mama plan for 365 days. 


The trajectory of her entire year took on a new look as she walked out this commitment day after day. And in the end, she learned more about herself and what eating Trim Healthy Mama really means.



The ability to stay on the Trim Healthy plan has much more to do with how you talk to yourself than you might think. Kelly found this out with each passing day. Focusing her energy on solving her problems and pushing through the temptation rather than feeling deprived or sorry for herself took time and effort. 


She had to coach herself. 

"I literally truth...

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Overcoming Setbacks on Your Weight Loss Journey: Lessons from Anne

Apr 26, 2023


Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Impossible goals are. the. worst. 


And Anne felt like her health and weight loss goals were…impossible. 


She couldn't stick to the Trim Healthy Mama plan long enough to get traction. So…how was she supposed to find success in health and weight loss?


Hopeless and feeling like she was shoveling snow in a blizzard (she would know, she lives in Canada) - Anne kept trying. Eating on plan but falling off as soon as "life" happened. 


"I did not believe I would be able to find success for my health and weight loss. It seemed completely unmanageable." - Anne


One day, she reached out to me after a mutual friend recommended Feminine Freedom Path, my 6-month Coaching program. 


Her hormone and weight loss struggles made her a great candidate for Feminine Freedom Path. Years of blaming and shaming her lack of commitment...

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Menopause keys to Weight Loss

Jan 24, 2023


Menopause keys to weight loss

Choose foods that are anti-inflammatory to your body. Include foods that boost your gut health and gut microbiome and eat foods that are known to support hormone balance. This is the time of life to choose quality. No more cheap oils and processed, packaged “foods”. Your body is ready and eager to be blessed with nourishing foods. 


Protein is Queen!

Every single meal you consume needs to have a protein source at the center. Begin to diversify your protein choices by including more fish and more plant proteins. 

Find ways to lighten up your meals and use less heavy dairy products. Your body is less efficient at burning through some of the heavier fats, so it is time to make some changes.

An easy way to lighten up your protein-centered meal can be by choosing a protein (think fish), a non-starchy vegetable, and a garnish of fat, roughly about a Tablespoon.

 Instead of a Heavy S meal (animal protein + cheese + mayo...

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